Privacy Policy

Platinum Dance Academy Privacy Policy

This policy gives you information on how Platinum Dance Academy collects, uses and protects data collected by/ submitted to us.

Data Protection

Platinum Dance Academy is following the new regulations for data protection, it’s use, storage and protection.

Data Collection

We only collect data that is voluntarily given to us.

Data is collected when a student joins Platinum Dance Academy as a member.

Data Use

Data is collected for a various  number of purposes:

Data Security

In order to maintain the security of your data we use appropriate physical and electronic safeguards to protect your personal data from loss and unauthorised access, however can not guarantee that unauthorised third parties may never overcome those measures, with the internet being an open system. Platinum Dance Academy will soon be switching to Dance Studio Pro for all data collection to ensure the utmost security of data.

Data Retention

You data is only held for the following reasons:

Third Party Websites- we are not held responsible for the Data Security system of any third party website.

Your rights

You have the right to:

Changes to our Policy

Platinum Dance Academy retains the right to update our privacy policy at any time and if so will post this fact on our main website and will do our utmost to ensure that you have receive a notification of these changes.

Sharing personal information.

We do not use your data for anything else and it will NEVER be passed onto third parties, with the following exceptions

Permission for video and photos to be used

Photographs and film footage will on occasion be taken of your child in both class and performance settings. The footage may be used in online and offline marketing and publicity. You must actively OPT OUT on registration if you do not wish for this to happen. If there are any concerns please speak to Lorna Thompson

Social Media

Videos and photographs along with updates of Platinum Dance Academy are regularly posted on our social media platforms (Instagram and Facebook). Individuals are not be be identified through these posts unless permission is given. This includes comments and tags from followers which can lead to an individual in the post being identified. Such activity on the pages will be deleted by the admin.

Lawful Basis for Processing

All information held will be held for one of these bases legitimate, consensual and contractual necessity.